J. Basil DannebohmJan 18Proverbial wisdom: ‘One kind word can warm three winter months.’In his commentary for January 18th, 2024, J. Basil Dannebohm reflects on the importance of kindness as part of our winter preparedness kit.
J. Basil DannebohmJan 14Clowns to the left, jokers to the right: Stuck in the middle with (half) of you. In his commentary for January 15th, 2024, J. Basil Dannebohm offers a look at the mind of an Independent voter.
J. Basil DannebohmJan 7Navigate through this election year with strategy not emotion.In his commentary for January 7th, 2024, J. Basil Dannebohm reflects on the election year ahead and the calm one will need to survive.